29 Jun 2016


Last week I decided to make this blog more personal and sharing my thoughts weekly so today I'm focusing on happiness I hope you like it and able to relate to it.

If were not happy does that mean there's something wrong with us or with our life? Life is filled with different type of happiness and sometimes you will receive it and some days you won't and that won't be because your not happy but purely because we need to experience sadness in our life.
I remember when I was young everything was nice and simple but as we get older we come across things that test how we allow happiness in.
This morning before I got out of bed it came to my attention that I never take time to appreciate my life and how it's filled with happiness although I can't see it. But I feel like sometimes I take the little things for granted.

I understand sometimes we need to be sad and reflect on some things. A year ago I realized I was not happy and I wonder night after night why that was until one day It came to my attention that I spent most of my time watching other people let happiness come into their life. So, I moved to London 6 months ago and since then I have been filled with some happiness, challenges and learning.


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